Name Region Volume
Last Price
1.7% diff
Fee Fiat money Features News
Seychelles 224,438,483.44 FOXY 0.01285030 USDT -0.005%/0.18% (Maker)
0.015%/0.36% (Taker)

Futures contract
(100x leverage)
How to do (high probability) safe P2P transactions with the help of members of "CryptoIndia" reddit and using a CEX that is not registered in India.
Cayman-Islands 178,846,356.98 FOXY 0.01282000 USDT 0%-0.2%
20% OFF

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Singapore 155,113,359.65 FOXY 0.01273920 USDT -0.025% (Maker)
0.075% (Taker)
Futures contract
(100x leverage)
Options contract,
$30,000 Deposit
How to do (high probability) safe P2P transactions with the help of members of "CryptoIndia" reddit and using a CEX that is not registered in India.
Singapore 60,104,148.64 FOXY 0.01276000 USDT 0%-0.3%
5% OFF
Futures contract
(150x leverage)
5% fee discount
OrangeDX - Trade, bridge, launch, earn, borrow and lend.
Hong-Kong 49,332,160.00 FOXY 0.01291930 USDT 0.1% (Maker)
0.1% (Taker)
15% OFF
Futures contract
(125x leverage)
15% fee discount
Australia 36,174,537.37 FOXY 0.01288600 USDT 0.2% Futures contract
(125x leverage)
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Cayman-Islands 30,665,492.00 FOXY 0.01270000 USDT -0.01%/0.25% (Maker)
0.02%/0.25% (Taker)
Margin trading,
Futures contract
(100x leverage)
Up to $3,000
in rewards
OrangeDX - Trade, bridge, launch, earn, borrow and lend.
Hong-Kong 27,189,177.00 FOXY 0.01289570 USDT 0.0125%-0.1% (Maker)
0.03%-0.1% (Taker)

Singapore 3,259,052.00 FOXY 0.01283900 USDT -0.002%/0.1% (Maker)
0.03%/0.1% (Taker)

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Hong-Kong 2,521,088.11 FOXY 0.01278500 USDT 0.1% (Maker)
0.1% (Taker)
7.5% OFF

Margin trading,
Stop Limit,
Futures contract,
7.5% fee discount
10 exchange(s) from 39 countries (updated )